23 Mayıs 2019 Perşembe

Do we need a filter for all of the propellers?

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The answer must be yes. You ask why? There are no filters in most of the aircraft propellers. So the engineers forgot to put filters on the propellers. As a matter of fact, the question of how to fight bird flocks comes to mind. We can tackle this challenge by simply storing our aircraft's propellers. Just like in this picture.
  They forgot to put a strain on the wind roses. All wind roses should be fitted with a strainer so we can prevent birds from dying. So the birds won't hit the wind roses with the strainer, so they won't die.
When we look at this picture, we can understand that the bird cannot enter this propeller.
1- Aircraft propellers should be fitted with strainer
2- Wind roses should be fitted with strainer

So if we put a strainer on everything that goes into summary, we will prevent accidents.

Pervanelerin hepsine süzgeç takmalımıyız?

Cevap evet olmalı. Neden mi? Mesala  uçak pervanenlerinin  çoğunda süzgeç yok . Yani mühendisler pervanelere süzgeç takmayı unutmuşlar. Hal böyle oluncada aklımıza kuş sürüleriyle nasıl mücadele edeceğiz sorusu  geliyor. Sadece uçağımızın pervanelerine süzgeç takarak bu zorluğun üstesinden gelebiliriz. Tıpkı bu kilima resminde olduğu gibi.
 Birde rüzgar güllerine  süzgeç takmayı unutmuşlar. Bütün rüzgar güllerine süzgeç takılmalı böylece kuşların  ölmesini önlemiş oluruz. Yani  kuşlar süzgeç takılan  rüzgar güllerine çarpmayacak böylece ölmeyecekler.
Bu resme baktığımızda kuşun bu pervanenin içine giremeyeceğini de anlarız.
1- Uçak pervanelerine  süzgeç takılmalı
2- Rüzgar güllerine  süzgeç takılmalı

Yani özetle dönen herşeye süzgeç takarsak kazaları önlemiş oluruz.

18 Mayıs 2019 Cumartesi

How to design car wheel stator, turbines and front covers to benefit from wind energy?

iki yapraklı araba tekeri ile ilgili görsel sonucu

I have written in my previous writings, everything must be as small as possible, and must be two-leaved. If you don't want a lot of noise, you should have a maximum of three leaves. Because the less the leaves in the rotating bodies, the faster the bodies rotate, as in the case of ship propellers.
  And the returning thing must be clockwise so that we can make use of the rotational speed of the world, which is about 70 km per hour.
When we do this, our car goes faster and saves fuel. Thus, we also reduce environmental pollution.

Rüzgar enerjisinden faydalanmak için araba tekerlek statörleri, türbinleri ve ön kapakları nasıl dizay edilmeli?

Daha önce ki yazılarımda yazmıştım, dönen herşey mümkün oldukça çok küçük olmalı ve de iki yapraklı olmalı diye.  Gürültü çok çıksın istemiyorsak maksimum üç yapraklı olmalı. Çünkü dönen cismlerde ne kadar az yaprak olursa bu cisimler daha hızlı dönüyor, gemi pervanelerinde olduğu gibi.
 Ve de dönen herşey saat yönünde olmalı buda  saatte yaklaşık 70 km olan  dünyanın dönüş hızında faydalana bilmemeiz için.
Bunları yaptığımızda arabamız hem daha hızlı gider hemde yakıtta tasarruf sağlamış oluruz. Böylece çevre kirliliğini de azaltmış oluruz.

Is the space actually white?

uçak gösterileri ile ilgili görsel sonucu

I think the space is actually a white field covered with gas clouds. Yes the space is a white place? So, actually, space is not a black field.
If space is a white space, why do we see space as dark? Of course, due to insufficient light we see the space as black. If there was enough light in space, we would see the space with white and floating colored clouds of gas like in this airplane show.

17 Mayıs 2019 Cuma

Why should the pools of the future be made with glass pannels?

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Thanks to glass panels, our pool will warm up more quickly and we will be able to swim longer in our pool. Maybe we can swim even in the winter months because our pool is hot thanks to the natural solar energy. We will not need to spend money to heat our swimming pool. In other words, the pools of the future should be made by using glass pannels so we do not have to spend electricity to heat our pools.  In other words, thanks to glass panels, we will benefit from natural solar energy. So we have an environmentally friendly pool.

16 Mayıs 2019 Perşembe

How should the aircraft wings be?

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The airplane wings must be very wide like the wings of this bird and too close to the pilot's cabin, the wings should not be under the hull, but at the top of the hull. Just like birds. All birds wings are very close to their heads.

I think all the passenger airplanes' wings are mounted in the wrong place. Planes' wings should be placed on the top of the body not at the bottom of the body.
If I had a plane, 1- Each wing of the plane would be as big and very light as its body.   2- The wings of the plane would be above the body of the plane. I wouldn't do it in the middle or near the bottom. 3- I would make the aircraft's propellers too small, the smaller propellers are faster. This helps our plane go faster. 4- I mounted the propeller of the plane under the wing, not in front of the plane. 5 - I would put maybe a dozen small propellers under one wing of a plane

Uçak kanatları nasıl olmalı? Uçak kanatları tıpkı bu kuşun kanatları gibi çok geniş ve de pilot kabinine çok yakın olmalı , kanatlar gövdenin altında değil , gövdenin en üstünde olmalı. Tıpkı kuşlar gibi. Bütün kuşların kanatları başına çok yakın yerdedir.

Şuanda sanırım bütün yolcu uçaklarının kanatları yanlış yere monte edilmiş. Uçakların kanatları gövdenin üstünde yer alması gerekirken  gövdenin en aşağı kısmına monte edilmiş durumda. Yani kanatlar yanlış yere takılmış
Ben uçak yapsaydım şöyle yapardım 1- Uçağın her bir kanadı gövdesi kadar büyük ve çok hafif olurdu. 2- Uçağın kanatları uçağın gövdesinin üstünde olurdu. Ortasında yada altına yakın bir yerlerde yapmazdım. 3- Uçağın pervanelerini de çok küçük yapardım küçük pervanenler daha hızlı dönüyör. Buda uçağımızın daha hızlı gitmesine yardım eder. 4- Uçağın pervanelerini uçağın önüne değil kanatların altına monte ederdim. 5- Uçağın kanatlarının altına bir tane iri pervane yerine belki bir düzüne küçük pervaneler takardım

15 Mayıs 2019 Çarşamba

Powerful light is acting as a microscope?

Can we produce more advanced lenses by exposing microscope lenses to much more light?

Powerful light is acting as a microscope?

Too light microscope serves as a microscope, sitting on the balcony, sticking the leaf on the sunglasses and looking at the sun, the 1 mm thick veins of the leaf were 3 thick and clearer. So the sun was very bright and the veins were wider and the leaf was moss. .
So if you want to see a plant much more clearly, it should be a very strong burning light and when you leave our plant above this light it looks more and more clear like a microscope.
Maybe this technology can be used for space imaging and teleskop lenses. We can also use it in camera lenses or laser technologies.
 When making microscope lenses, can we produce these lenses or the materials that are used in making these lenses, and I think the sand can be more developed by exposing them to more light?
I think when we make microscope lenses we can make more advanced lenses by exposing the materials used in making these lenses to much more light.

Strong lights are acting like microscopes. I mean, he's got things very close.

In other words, when we make the lenses of the telescopes used in space technology, we obtain more advanced telescopic lenses for the sands to absorb more light by exposing the sands used in the construction of these lenses to more sunlight through a lens. So we can get closer images. This method will be more effective than using a mirror.
We can do this. By using a lens, the lenses will be used in the construction of more sunlight by giving sand to provide more light to absorb. The important thing here is to utilize heater lenses to make the sun's rays more powerful in the sand. I think this is the best method.
Or go to the deserts and take the very special sand that the sun comes from at the right angle.
In summary, if we make lenses that absorb more sunlight, we get more advanced lenses.

12 Mayıs 2019 Pazar

The idea of covering lakes with water lily flower

In summer, especially in arid times, some countries cover the lakes with plastic balls in order not to evaporate in the water. However, instead of covering the lakes with plastic materials, it is more accurate and healthier to cover them with lotus flowers. Thus, the waters in these lakes become cleaner and healthier. We can do this by building artificial islands in the deep part of the lake, because this flower knows about 3 meters in space.
The benefits of water lily flower are not counted. He had a lot of properties, including an anti-oxidant and a soothing nerve.

We will not brush our teeth in the future

Hydrophobia means water-free. The surfaces covered with this material do not hold water and do not keep it in the dirt.
Hydropobia-containing plant while lotus flower. This flower does not keep dirt even if it grows in polluted environments. And the water poured on it doesn't stay on the leaf of the flower. Maybe there are other flowers that grow in water. I don't know that right now.
So we can call it hydrophobia = lotus flower.

After all these explanations, we will not have to brush our teeth when we cover the dentures or teeth with hydrophobia material. Because our teeth will never get dirty.

Thanks to the hydrophobia material, our teeth will not get dirt and therefore will not become dirty and will not rot. So in the future our teeth will not rot, we will not have to fill out. We're not going to have any dental surgeries.
In the future, the use of toothpaste and toothbrush will decrease the environment will be very important contributions. Because every day with chemicals, millions of toothpaste and toothbrushes are produced, which causes the pollution of our world. In other words, thanks to the hydrophobia material, we will remove the plastics and metals in our lives.

3 Mayıs 2019 Cuma

Is the height the same in space?

The height in space can be the same everywhere. I think space is like a square box. Space can be composed of x and y coordinates. I say that the space is square or rectangular, because the space should not be vacuumed to be round or oval. Space is an area covered with gas clouds. Due to the appearance of these gases, we may think differently about the height of space. So the gases may be misleading. We can see that when we pour the liquid paint onto a canvas. The canvas is the same, but the mixed paints create a perception as if there is depth.