15 Temmuz 2019 Pazartesi

Will our food be plentiful in the future?

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Yes, as an economist, it is very difficult to believe, but in the future our food will be abundant and not scarce. We can even do that in a few years. How Is It Very Easy. We can do this by releasing the growth hormones of fruits and vegetables. In other words, most of the fruits grow in trees, while very few of the vegetables grow in trees. I saw on the internet that they made a tomato tree. I was so curious how they did it, the tomato seedling was a tree.
If we extend the length of vegetable trees such as this tomato tree and extend the branches down, we will both get more products and it will be easier to collect.
Giant trees should be made not only in tomatoes but also in vegetables such as brussels sprouts, pea beans, nuts .............. So we can really benefit from the vertical horticultural technique.
Of course, we need to grow these products, they should not be miniature. For instance, if I were you, I would make beans, peas, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, chestnuts and brussels sprouts at least the size of an apple. Because it is difficult to collect very small.
So I solved the problem of food shortages in the future.Will our food be plentiful in the future?

Yes, as an economist, it is very difficult to believe, but in the future our food will be abundant and not scarce. We can even do that in a few years. How Is It Very Easy. We can do this by releasing the growth hormones of fruits and vegetables. In other words, most of the fruits grow in trees, while very few of the vegetables grow in trees. I saw on the internet that they made a tomato tree. I was so curious how they did it, the tomato seedling was a tree.
If we extend the length of vegetable trees such as this tomato tree and extend the branches down, we will both get more products and it will be easier to collect.
Giant trees should be made not only in tomatoes but also in vegetables such as brussels sprouts, pea beans, nuts .............. So we can really benefit from the vertical horticultural technique.
Of course, we need to grow these products, they should not be miniature. For instance, if I were you, I would make beans, peas, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, chestnuts and brussels sprouts at least the size of an apple. Because it is difficult to collect very small.

So in the future we will collect not only apples but also vegetables in the trees, as in the sketches of Adam and Eve.

So I solved the problem of food shortages in the future.

Yiyeceklerimiz gelecekte  bol mu olacak ?

Evet bir ekonomist olarak söylüyorum inanması çok güç fakat gelecekte yiyeceklerimiz kıt değil bol olacak. Hatta  bunu bir kaç yıl içerisinde gerçekleştirmemiz mümkün. Nasıl mı çok kolay. Sebzelerin meyvelerin büyüme hormonlarını salgılayarak bunu yapabiliriz. Yani meyvelerin çoğu ağaçlarda yetişmekte, sebzelerin ise çok azı ağaçta yetişmekte. İnternette gördüm domates ağacı yapmışlar. Bunu nasıl yapmışlar diye çok merak etmiştim, domates fidesi ağaç olmuştu.
Bu domates ağacı gibi sebze ağaçlarının boyunu uzatıp, dallarını da aşağı doğru uzatırsak  hem daha fazla ürün alırız hemde toplamamız daha kolay olur.
Sadece domates in değil bürüksel lahanası, bezelye fasulye, fındık ............. gibi sebzelerinde  devasa ağaçları yapılmalı. Böylece dikey bahçecilik tekniğinde gerçekten faydalanmış oluruz.
Tabi birde bu ürünleri büyümemiz lazım , minyatür olmamalılar. Mesala ben olsaydım fasulyeyi, bezelyeyi, fındığı, bademi, cevizi, kestaneyi,  bürüksel lahanasını en az bir elma büyüklüğünde yapardım. Çünkü çok küçükler toplaması da zor oluyor.

Yani gelecekte Adem ile Havva'nın skeçlerinde olduğu gibi sadece elmaları değil sebzeleri de ağaçlarda toplayacağız.

Yani böylece gelecekte yiyecek kıtlığı sorununu çözmüş oldum.

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