5 Nisan 2019 Cuma

How To Clean The World's Most Polluted Waters Easily And Very Cheap ?

We can treat chemical wastes with carbon molecules and even make them drinkable. In other words, if the factories install the treatment of contaminated water wastes containing carbon molecules, this problem can be completely eliminated. So we can save dead zones, defined as where there is no oxygen.
Factories here are all they need to do carbon molecules of the factories to attach to the plant. So we do not pollute our rivers, lakes, seas, oceans. Because it is much more difficult and costly to clean after polluting.
Even the world's most polluted rivers and lakes can be cleaned with carbon molecules much easier and cheaper.

I'm not sure I can clean up the explosion of nuclear power plants (only for nüklear explosions ) with carbon dioxide molecules.

In other words, we can clean the areas of aquariums, lakes, rivers and nuclear disasters  (only for nüklear explosions )  with carbon molecules. These molecules exist in water treatment decanters and devices.

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